I’m a California girl who is in a relationship with a wonderful American guy who happens to be living in Kenya serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. He will be in Kenya until the beginning of 2011 (as his volunteer term is a little over two years).
I started this blog, because I found myself saying “My boyfriend lives in Kenya” very frequently in conversations, sometimes the context was funny, sometimes sad. This is a way for me to chronicle our long-distance relationship experiences, both the joys and hurdles. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to share any experiences you have as well!
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I just wanted to say thank you for the fact that this blog even exists. My boyfriend leaves for the Peace Corps in six weeks and it’s nice to know there are people out there who ignore the fact that at staging, they tell them that pre-Peace Corps relationships have a 0% chance of survival. Thanks for keeping it up, and good luck.
Kristen, Thanks so much for your comment! So glad someone finds this beneficial! I am currently in Kenya for my third visit w/my bf and shared your comment with him also. Good luck to you and your partner! Remember to talk and visit as much as possible!!
Just curious why you haven’t posted in a couple months. Are you two still together? I ask because I am using your experience as motivation because my bf is leaving this week. I would like to know if a LDR like this can actually work?!
Hi! Yes we are still together–with about seven months of his service left! Am visiting him in another two months–will be the longest we’ve gone without seeing each other (6 and a half months) since he’s been gone–but honestly Skype has been the key! It is doable, you just need your bf or gf ultimately to be your ultimate friend and partner with daily communication.
Thank you so much for posting this blog, my boyfriend leaves for Uganda in 3 weeks to start his 27 months of service. I plan to visit 3 times and we are trying to do the “open” ended relationship where we speak as often as time permits and see eachother at least 3 times. It is so inspiring to know that you are doing this with your boyfriend. What are your “rules” if you dont mind me asking?
I just added two blog posts that will hopefully help you. Good luck!
Not really sure why my post didnt go up before but here it is again. My boyfriend left for Uganda this week and its hitting hard in everything I do that he isn’t around. Is there any advice you can give on how you got through the transition period of him first leaving and what you do when he is away?
Post to follow tonight or tomorrow–hang in there!
So my boyfriend just left for Uganda for the Peace Corp and I just wanted some advice/knowledge on your experience when your boyfriend first left for Kenya and you were adjusting to life without him near you all the time. You are so unbelievably lucky that you can skype/talk to your boyfriend numerous times a day, as that is not the case with me and my significant other. We may only be able to talk once a week which is gut wrenching but unfortunately I will just have to make do. I wanted to know if you had any advice or comfort for being the one on the other end, going on with everyday life while my boyfriend is embarking on such an incredible journey. I really appreciated your last blog about “Me” time while your boyfriend was away, that is one positive I can see about this situation. How do you get through the rough days, even now im hesitant to give up but thats not what I actually want to do, I love him more than anything and we both want a future together. Its only the first week and I know that I have to give myself time to adjust its just really difficult to not be consumed with the long term commitment and the question of “how am i possibly going to get through these 27 months”. Any guidance from your experience you can offer? your blog has been SO unbelievably helpful and its so inspiring to read the commitment between you and your bf and how strong you are for standing through this.
Yes, will post a blog about this tonight or tomorrow! Hang in there! Write emails to him and write letters to him in a journal to start help allow yourself a place to vent.
Thanks so much for this blog, you have inspired me to do the same. M y boyfriend left last Monday!! how is your relationship going now that he has been back for soo long? Thanks for your time.
Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you. I hope everything works out wonderfully for both of you in the long run. I know it took at lot of work but I guess with a positive end goal in sight, it is very doable. Youre writing styling was so exact, I almost felt like you were in my head reading my thoughts lol. Thanks again you have been an inspiration!
Hi! My boyfriend, just yesterday, received his final invitation and packet from the Peace Corps inviting him to serve as a volunteer in Kenya beginning June 6. So finding this blog is a godsend! I know this blog will be so helpful to me. Thank you!
So happy to hear that you found this blog! If you have any questions, just post them in comments and I will try my best to answer.
Small tip, I would recommend visiting for the first time in September-October if you can, it’s a little bit cooler. The first time I went was in April/May and the temperature was super hot. However, it also depends where your bf is placed. The coast can be hotter. Much luck!!
Wow! I was SO happy to stumble across this post. My boyfriend lives in Ethiopia and he’s been in the Corps for a little over 10 months now. It’s been really hard to have people to relate to, but your blog makes me even more certain we will be fine and make it through
His blog is http://www.waidsworld.wordpress.com if you ever feel like checking it out — he’s a great writer! I’m glad that you and your boyfriend are making the next step — it gives me something to look forward to
Thanks again!
Carly, loved seeing your pics and both your blogs! Congrats on making it this far–hang in there and visit often. We also had a chance to visit Ethiopia on one of my trips to Kenya, and honestly I loved Ethiopia. It was less touristy than Kenya. Glad you had a good visit!
Just came across this blog! My boyfriend is leaving for Ethiopia on Wednesday. I am going to miss him immensely! I am so happy to see that couples have made it through. It just seems so long right now but I know that time goes fast. Thanks again!! this is really helpful
We had a chance to visit Ethiopia for a few days and loved our time there! The people were wonderful, and the food delicious–a couple more reasons for you to go and visit frequently.
I’m from Canada. My boyfriend and I are experiencing a long distance relationship. I’m 15 hes 17… He’s graduating this year and I’m graduating in 2 years. I live in British Columbia and he lives in Ontario. It’s so hard being away from him, not being able to see him everyday. I’m wondering how do you do it? How do you keep going on with your everyday life? I find my self sitting in class and just going into my own little world and thinking about him. I can’t tell you how much it’s doing to me emotionally but in the end I know it will make our relationship stronger. Do you guys ever get to talk or only once in a while? How long have you two been apart? I’ve been away from my boyfriend for about 2 months now. I sometimes feel alone and worried he might do something. But I do trust him. Do you ever feel that way? I’m guessing I need to talk to somebody who is kinda going through what I’m going through. Any advice you can give me on long distance relationships, please tell me I’d like to hear and read about it
First of all, I have to tell you that I come to this page at least twice a month to read random entries. My boyfriend and I started dating over a year ago. From the start, he was very upfront and honest about his interest in PC and about a month ago, we FINALLY got word of his acceptance and assignment to the Dominican! I am filled with so many great emotions – but also some negative ones, which I believe is totally normal. I have a couple questions for you – how did you kick the blues when you were out of contact for long periods of time? What did you do to calm your mind and thoughts, particularly about his safety. Maybe even fidelity. I’ve no reason to doubt him, but I wonder if that mind will ever cross my mind. Also, how often is acceptable to visit your PCV? Since my boyfriend will be in the Dominican, I can picture lots of short, one week trips. How much is too much? How long is too long? Also, I started my own blog as well and plan on quoting you quite a bit. You put so many things into perspective for me and have really gotten me to shape my mind about being in a LDR with a PCV, not just someone who lives on the opposite US coast. Wishing you all the best!!
I just wanted to say thanks for making a blog about this. My girlfriend just left for Madagascar with the Peace Corps only a few weeks ago, and reading your story, as well as the comments and other stories are really wonderful to read. I’m fully aware of the challenge that lies ahead of my relationship, but it’s really great to know that it has been done before, and can work in some cases. But it’s wonderful to read your posts and know that the things I am feeling are felt by others, and that I am not the only one going through this. Thanks for putting some things in perspective and giving me great things to think about!
Love is a strong, odd, and amazing thing!
Good luck with whatever you’re doing now! And thank you again!
Thank you! So happy that this blog is helping you. Just remember to communicate!